2011年4月20日 星期三

Activity Six- Visual metaphors for teaching and explanations

l  Teaching is like running a marathon, once you have started the marathon, it would be a long-run competition
     and you could not give up in the middle.

l   Teaching is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. It is the process of inspiring and motivating students, provide
 them with the chances to develop themslves to the fullest extent.

l   Teaching is like growing a tree. It takes a very long time to see a tree grows. It is also not an easy process to grow a tree and we do not know whether there will be fruits at the end. But still, neglectin the result, we have to insert efforts for its growth.

l   Teaching is like a fertilizer. It is necessay for a plant to be fertilized in order to help the plant growing nicely. Just like when studetns are growing up, teachers have to be with them, assisting and directing them so that they will be on the right track.

l   Teaching is like filling a cup of water. Sometimes people will think teaching is complicated and there are many challenges ahead. But maybe we can consider it in another way. The glass of water can be regarded as half-filled or half-emptied. Teaching can be a fruitful experience if we consider this cup of water as half-emptied.

l   Teaching is like a campass. We need a compass if we lost our direction. A teacher is like a campass, the role of teacher is to direct students to a postive and appropriate way.

