2011年4月20日 星期三

Activity Four- Word Association

J If teaching is a color, what color would it be?
l   If teaching is a color, it would be pink. It is because pink is my favorite color while teaching is my ambition. Also, the color of pink seems to me very energetic and passionate. Being a teacher needs to be energetic and passionate towards the profession.

J If teaching is a person in your in life, who would it be?
l   If teaching is a person in my life or in my family, it must be my mother. My mother is the one who supports
me all the time and comforts me whenever I face frustrations. She is essential in my life. Just like teaching,
the roles of a mother and teaching are the same, which is nurturing children and help them with their personal growth.

J If teaching is a number, which number would it be?
l   If teaching is a number, it would be a zero. A zero means a foundation, Everything will start beyond zero, and
     teaching is actually a foundation, a foundation for students to develop their fullest potentials  

J If teacing is a smell, what would it be?
l   If teaching is a smell, it would be the smell of flowers. The flowers’ smell
     is always fresh and it implied the meaning that teaching is ever-green and teachers have to be passionate all the

J If teaching is a cloth, what would it be?
l   If teaching is a cloth, it would be a sock. It implied that teachers and students will have to work collaboratively
    to make one thing success.

J If teaching is a food, what would it be?
l   If teaching is a food, I will regard it as fruits. This is because fruits make us healthy, like teaching, we teach
    because we wish students to have a good life in the future.

