2011年4月20日 星期三

Activity One-I want to be a teacher because…

I want to become a teacher because …..
I want to become a teacher because this profession is a meaningful one. Someone suggested education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire. The role of teacher is essential in students’ learning stages because teachers are the one who inspire students in their personal growth as well as their academic aspects.

My ambition of being a teacher was inspired by teachers that I have met in primary school and secondary school. I am glad that I was graduated from a non-famous primary school located in an estate. It is my pleasure to graduate from that primary school because although it is not a famous-branded school, but what I have learnt from the primary school was that, academic results are not the most important learning outcomes from primary section. During primary stage, the teacher’s role is to assist and inspire students’ personal development. Take my primary school as an example, the school did not put too much emphasis on the academic performances, instead, it encouraged students to develop a sense of love and caring between peers. Under this highly competitive society, people used to strive for the best and compete with others for education opportunities, while they forgot the importance of being kind is an element forming a harmonious society. It could be too late if teachers start teaching students these criterions in secondary levels.

My secondary English teacher was another person inspiring me to be a teacher. Frankly speaking, I did not attain good results when I was in Form 4 and 5 and was in a Science class. I was frustrated when I received the results of the mock examinations well before the HKCEE. At that time, my English teacher who is also the school vice-principal, she approached me and chatted with me. She comforted me that my parents will not blame me on my unsatisfactory result because they all appreciated my positive attitude towards studying. She made me understand that sometimes the role of teacher could be like a friend of a student, stand by them when they need you. She made me understand what kind of teacher I would like to be in the future.

“Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride.” This is my favorite lyrics because it clearly indicates the objective of being a teacher is to help with students’ personal development and encourage them to appreciate themselves. This would benefit students in the future when they grow up.

